Staff Report: Nagoya June 18 2009

Opening in Nagoya!
2009/06/18(Thu) 15:05

It’s the opening performance in Nagoya today!
This is the region for the final performances
(T/N: of the TSC Tour, discounting the Dome)
Let’s do it with a blast!

Entering the venue…
2009/06/18(Thu) 15:45

Junsu immediately went to get a massage!

In the middle of rehearsals!
2009/06/18(Thu) 16:09

Junsu and Jejung requested for the staff to pay close attention
to the sounds coming from the monitor!

Following that…
2009/06/18(Thu) 16:18

The dancers-san also joined and and carefully checked their positions.
Yunho is really hyped up!

Getting a massage!
2009/06/18(Thu) 17:23 staff061809_1While Yunho is getting a massage, he’s checking the videos taken at the last Live.

Before going on stage
2009/06/18(Thu) 18:39 staff061809_3Yuchun is gathering his concentration!

After the Live…
2009/06/18(Thu) 22:07 staff061809_2A souvenir photograph of Nagoya’s Tenmusu and Imoyoukan!
Thank you for your hard work for the first day in Nagoya~♪
(T/N: Tenmusu = Bite-sized riceball with shrimp tempura, Imoyoukan = sweet potato paste dessert)

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