Tohoshinki’s Best 1st Week Sales Since Debut

Popular group Tohoshinki finally cracked the highest sales record ever since their career in Japan. Tohoshinki’s 4th album launched on March 25th, “The Secret Code” recorded first day sales 82,891 copies, and the next day on March 26th was sold 30,620 copies, thus the accumulation in 2 days straight is around 114,000 copies, placing them on the 2nd in ORICON album chart.

Kat-tun’s Akanishi Jin likes TVXQ

KAT-TUN’s Akanishi Jin’s article in Myojo Magazine where he mentioned Tohoshinki.

Q: When you go karaoke-ing, what song do you usually sing?

Akanishi Jin: I can’t really decide. It really depends on the time, sometimes its Linkin Park or some others. Hey, have you heard of Tohoshinki? I only got to know them recently. But I heard they actually sing in Japanese ne. It’s really cool, right? Totally cool.

TVXQ Main Interview with Pati Pati

The following are translations of the main interview with TVXQ (DBSK/Tohoshinki).  Junsu’s colorful personality comes out and he gets teased by other members for it. Yunho says their 4th Japanese album, The Secret Code, will be the reason many people will like them more and more.

Changmin says his favorite cut off the album is The Secret Game (Love that one!)  while Yoochun’s fave is a beautiful balla called TAXI (Love that one too!)