JYJ El Comercio interview in Peru abt upcoming concert

JYJ interview with El Comercio:

Your Visit to Lima will be remembered for its record sales in ticket. Did you anticipate this?
In reality, we did not anticipate this. I mean, we are from from a country far from yours and it will be our first time there. Obviously, we never could have imagined this would happen. It has been a pleasent surprise to know that we are welcome in South America  and we are very thankful for such. Recently, we had seen a Puerivan television program interviewing our fans there. It really touched us. We are sincerely thankful for this. We know that it must not be easy to be a fan of singers from so far away.

Chile Fans Ready for JYJ Invasion; Sleeping in Airport for Member’s Arrival


The members of JYJ are on their way to Chile and their fans have been waiting on them.  Some fans are even sleeping in the airport after initially coming out but had to come up with this Plan B because of flight delays.

No doubt the fans are hype to def for JYJ’s concert scheduled for Friday March 9 at the Teatro Caupolicán in Santiago, Chile.