Jejung fanclub donate money to pay for surgery fees for Leukemia patient


Youngwoong Jaejoong & SarangJoong fanclub has donated money towards surgery fee’s for a girl with Leukemia.

Youngwoong Jaejoong & SarangJoong is a member of Korea’s Heart Disease Foundation because they want to go further than Korea to bring support to places in Asia like Japan and China.

Helping people who still dream when they are trapped, this is part of a project to support Jaejoong having activities outside of Korea. Selling fan-made DVD’s, t-shirts and such, this fanclub project has brought in a total of 6,000,000 Won, and donated it to Korea’s Heart Disease Foundation. The Foundation will fund this money to Park*Ki (14 years old), to assist her with her operation.

Jejung’s Fortune this year? TV Life

I ran across this cute little thing about Jejung’s “fortune” for this year. Take these things with a grain of salt, but it’s cute nonetheless.

Jejung January 26th, 1986
Aquarius, O type, from South Korea

Jejung is the type that has ability to combine planning and action altogether, he doesn’t like individual personality and tends to work together with people.

He’s loved by his friends because he’s an outgoing person and a big-brother type. Because he always works hard to achieve great success and most likely strives to match his expectation, when at time he found out the gap between the ideal level and the reality that actually happened, the stress on him would be piled up. Hereafter, it seems that he would continue gaining attention through movie and drama.

In addition, he’s a type of guy that becomes passionate when it comes to love. However, because he is going to be so popular this year, it seems to be difficult to focus on getting one.

【Memo】’Sunao ni narenakute’ (Fuji Television Network) is his serial drama debut.


JYJ Perform at Tokyo Dome! Pics Update3

Wow. Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu performed at Tokyo Dome to an excited crowd! Here are a few of the early pics which have been posted thus far: Update #1 Update #2 Update #3 source:…0561563298.html source:…gNo=80109304105 Update #1 In the end, after hearing Yoochun’s words, everybody burst into tears: ‘You have a lot you […]