Xiahzart: Junsu Mozart Rehearsal Photos; Intense Demand for tickets crashes servers again

junsu xiahzart dongbanger
Everybody wants tickets to see the cutie-pie Junsu transform on stage in the Korean version of the musical Mozart! So much so that on the days tickets were released for sale covering the dates of Junsu’s performances, the ticket seller’s servers crashed.

New dates was added for Junsu’s performance and once again the seller’s servers were crushed because of the sheer number of people attempting to buy tickets.

2Joong in Vancouver Together? Jeajoong and Hyunjoong Allegedly Spotted?

jaejoong hyunjoong
Holy grocery shopping, Batman! Is that who I think it is? Yes, again more photos have surfaced of Jaejoong supposedly in Canada. 

These photos show TVXQ’s Kim Jaejoong and SS501 hottie Kim Hyunjoong picking up a few things to eat.

And before you get all crazy, NO I don’t think they secretly went to Canada to get married. Haha! Come on now! Stop emailing me your fantasies while asking for information about these two.  Tongue out

Bottom line is that we have yet to find out where Jaejoong is, if he’s there with Hyunjoong, and whether they’re on vacation or why they are there. They could simply be on vacation and hanging out. They certainly don’t normally have a lot of free time to fly to another country and hang out together.

If Hyunjoong looks familiar to some of you who only focus on TVXQ, he should. He’s that cute guy who played “Ji Hoo”, one of the members of F4 in the famous Korean version of Boys Before (Over) Flowers.

He’s a few months younger than Jaejoong, so he has to call Jaejoong “hyung”.

Hyunjoong, be sure to take care of your hyung. He’s already skinny enough as it is.  Wink

Here’s the photo:

Jaejoong in Vancouver Canada? Are these the pics? UPDATED

Dude was that ‘Youngwood’ up in all that ice? Yep. TVXQ’s Youngwoong Jaejoong was spotted in Vancouver, Canada according to fans!  Fans said he looked “very tired” and was very thin. The tiredness is probably mostly because of the long flight. It’s still unclear as to what Jaejoong’s purpose for going to Canada may be. […]

Fan Account: Jaejoong Yoochun and Junsu Sightings in Australia!

Airport Encounter~

I wasn’t able to sleep the whole night out of excitement, departed at 630am, and waited from 7am to 10am. Luckily that there weren’t a lot of fans there, around 50 of them were there (from Korea, China, Thailand, etc.).

Everyone got their cameras ready, and suddenly all the Korean Cassies started screaming for a second and everyone rushed over to where the screams were coming from. JaeJoong must have thought that there wouldn’t be anyone waiting and walked out from the arrival hall, but ran back in after he heard the screams. Everyone was excited! The manager first walked out and had a conversation with the tourists and checked the transport arrangements and stuff before going back to where JaeSuChun were. Korean Cassies ran over to their manager and he said no picture taking~ All the fans then kept their cameras~

Jaejoong Yoochun and Junsu in Australia? VIDEO

dongbanger tvxq

Thanks to what has turned out to be a precious fancam, the TVXQ community knows Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu and Yoohwan (Yoochun’s brother) took a little trip to Australia. Why Australia? Well they could have just wanted  to see a real live Koala bear…maybe a Koala named Changmin?

Youngest Changmin (who is currently blossoming into a mature and handsome man by the way) is shooting parts of his upcoming drama debut in Australia.  This could possibly be Changmin’s first trip to a foreign country by himself (… well, without his fellow members).

There have been reports that certain unnamed looky-loos are keeping an eye on the guys when they’re in Korea and possibly Japan.  But who knows if they actually went to see Changmin or if they just wanted a break from the cold?  *wink* Who knows if they’ll actually get to see and talk to Changmin without handlers watching.

Here’s to hoping they make sure “Changminnie” isn’t lonely.


TVXQ Dongbanger 2010
Happy 2010 Everybody!

I hope that 2010 will bring about a clearing of the path for TVXQ to get together and perform with each other like brothers, spend time like brothers, laugh together again like brothers, and have genuine happiness without fear.

I hope all of their dreams come true and that their love, patience and understanding remains unlimited and unchanged.


I hope that nothing and ABSOLUTELY NO ONE will obstruct the music they will create or the love they will spread in 2010 to people around the world.

A million things had to go right for these 5 young men to come together, so most importantly I hope that any and all mountains standing in the way of their progress will be crushed into a ka-billion-jillion pieces and destroyed for daring to suppress something so precious to so many millions of people.

And on a general note: for all those who believe in justice and love, may 2010 bring them both.

HAPPY 2010!