Q and A: Heaven’s Postman Press Conference

Jaejoong jaejoong_005
Director Lee Byung-hun, actress Han Hyo-joo and boy band TVXQ member Hero Jaejoong turned up at a press screening on Monday for “Postman”, the second of the telecinema projects where a Korean director, Japanese screenwriter and Hallyu stars have gotten together to produce a total of eight films.

In “Postman”, Hero plays Jae-joon, the postman from heaven, who delivers letters living people have written to their loved ones in heaven. He comes across Hana, played by Han, who writes a letter full of resentment to the dead man that she used to love, reveals his presence to her, and the two start writing responses to the letters for the saddened people who are left in the real world.

Jaejoong Humble at Heaven’s Postman Press Conference

Jaejoong and Han Hyo Joo appeared at a special press conference promoting Heaven’s Postman, the debut drama performance for the TVXQ member.

Despite going through a tough time with a dispute between 3 TVXQ members and their Korean management company (SM), Jaejoong made a brave showing.

He did reveal his nervousness at being in front of many cameras by himself (without his members) saying “It’s the first time I’ve stood in front of so many cameras alone.”

Jaejoong’s Heaven’s Postman Takes 1st place on Advanced Sales List


Anticipation for Heaven’s Postman starring Jaejoong is so high that it has already made it to first plce on the list for advance sales.

It’s 19.1% advanced sales rating marks its #1 spot on New Releases list of Korean movies.

Heaven’s Postman is the first dramatic role for the stunning 23 year old. His female costar is Han Hyo-joo (Brilliant Legacy).

SM Busted by CreBeau, Shown to have Lied about CreBeau Involvement?


The President of CreBeau is fighting mad at “ridiculous” claims SM has made against his company. Now comes the first of what could be a lot of proof disputing the way in which SM has sought to blame CreBeau for the ‘SM vs TVXQ’ fight. 

SM claimed they were deceived by Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu, and accused them of pretending to go on vacation when they actually went to a CreBeau orientation.

SM has apparently lied to the public. There’s no other way to say it.

Pictures have surfaced of TVXQ’s manager going with Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu to China for that CreBeau orientation.   There’s no way SM wouldn’t have known about this trip if the SM-appointed-manager was there with them.

The photos actually show TVXQ’s SM manager at the CreBeau event!

CreBeau said before that the trip was approved by SM. Of course, the pictures of TVXQ’s manager accompanying the three young men to China confirms CreBeau’s word.

Jaejoong: 270 Lucky Fans Invited to Watch Heaven’s Postman

According to translated reports, TVXQ’s Jaejoong has invited about 270 fans to the movie premier of “Heaven’s Postman” at Seoul CGV Theater Nov 9 7:30PM.

But before that, he will appear at a press conference for the movie scheduled for 4:30PM that same day.

It seems like we’ve been waiting on Heaven’s Postman to debut for a long time, doesn’t it?

New TVXQ Song Toki Wo Tomete is beautiful OMG

TVXQ DBSK Tohoshinki
Even in the low quality versions which have hit youtube, TVXQ’s new song Toki Wo Tomete is simply beautiful.

Roughly translated, the song means “Stop the Time” and is featured in the Menards advertisement we told you about earlier this year.

The ballad plays in the ending credits of “Tohoshinki The Live 2009” movie. It is so popular that according to translated reports, fans purposely sit through the ending credits just so they can hear the song.

It really is the type of quality ballad which could be featured in any high rated drama. The harmony and balance of their voices is the very reason why so many fans and new listeners are impressed by Tohoshinki.