Record Number of People Want to see Tohoshinki on Music Japan

Tens of thousands of people in Japan want to see Tohoshinki perform at Music Japan Sept 7. How do we know?  Because some 70,000 fans have tried to get seats to attend the taping on which Tohoshinki (TVXQ / DBSK) will appear.

The problem is the venue can only hold 2,000 people!

With that, Tohoshinki has shattered any past record of fans wanting to get in to see an artist perform. 

TVXQ Lawyer Angry over 45M False Rumor

TVXQ lawyer angry over false Junsu rumor dbsk009
The lawyer representing TVXQ is furious over what he says are false claims made by SM Entertainment (SM) that Junsu is using a 45 million won “advanced payment” from SM in relation to the lawsuit against SM.

According to translated reports, TVXQ’s attorney (Sejong) ‘could not control his anger at the rumor’.

Sejong said if SM gave Junsu an “advanced payment”, it was routinely done for all members so they can pay their share of income taxes.


“If that did happen, it was probably to settle his account for his income taxes… [SM] are being ridiculous by making it seem like Xiah Junsu received that payment to prepare for this trial.”

First Hearing: TVXQ vs SM in Court

First Hearing DBSK TVXQ Tohoshinki
Translated accounts of the first Court hearing between TVXQ (DBSK / Tohoshinki) and their management agency SM Entertainment (SM) are making their way around the net.

After filing court docs in District Court for improved contract terms, Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu had their first hearing August 21 2009 (Seoul South Korea time).

Both TVXQ and SM agreed that they don’t want a disbandment of the group at all. 

According to the way the reports were translated, three members of the group are asking for “a suspension of their contract due to unlawful clauses”. This would probably be in relation to the Exclusivity clause which bars the guys from being involved in any side businesses for their own personal income not controlled by SM.

TVXQ vs SM Hearing Set for Aug 21 TVXQ Tohoshinki dbsk046
TVXQ representative from the Sejong law firm say that the first hearing on their dispute of contract terms with SM Entertainment (SM) will be held on August 21 2009 (Seoul, South Korea time).

Three of the five members of TVXQ (Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun) are fighting for improved contract terms and working conditions. They also want SM to release information about TVXQ’s income.

Late last month, TVXQ’s lawyers filed with the District Court for an “Exclusive Contract Validity Suspension” and a “Provisional Disposition Request”. They also filed an application to make SM preserve evidence and force them to turn over pertinent documentation to the lawyers representing the three members.

According to translated reports, the representative for TVXQ said, “We are preparing for the first hearing that will be soon… TVXQ’s stand and SME’s stand on this situation have not changed at all.”