At the 2012 Seoul Drama Awards, a dashing Yoochun won the “Outstanding Hallyu Drama Male Actor” award for his work in Rooftop Prince. The 26 year old singer/songwriter/actor dedicated the award to his late father who passed away in March 2012.
At the 2012 Seoul Drama Awards, a dashing Yoochun won the “Outstanding Hallyu Drama Male Actor” award for his work in Rooftop Prince. The 26 year old singer/songwriter/actor dedicated the award to his late father who passed away in March 2012.
Junsu made the list of ‘must see’ concerts this week on Columnist Kendra Recht posts about Junsu’s upcoming concert, among a few chosen others, and mentions the fact that Junsu writes and produces his own music. Check it out:
Junsu confidently introduced himself to America at a press conference in the heart of Times Square on Aug 29.
Junsu is kicking off the Western leg of his solo tour with a performance on August 30 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan.
Unlike a few other artists which have tried to jump from Asia to America, Junsu plans to be his own person instead of an Asian copy of an American artist.
Both Yoochun and his costar, Han JiMin (lastname,firstname) both won actor and actress popularity awards for the 2012 Seoul Drama Awards. Rooftop Prince is one of the most popular and well reviewed dramas this year and showcased Yoochun’s acting and comedic side perfectly.
Junsu finished the Asian leg of his “XIA 1st Asia Tour” on Aug 26 with officials from Hong Kong’s Ministry of Culture present.
The officials who were at the concert along with 3500 lucky fans reportedly praised the honey voiced singer for his talent and professionalism.