Has avex (Japan) CEO Matsuura lost his mind? Honestly, the question may be going through the minds of some ‘JYJ vs SM’-observers given a recent spate of translated tweets from the avex CEO. According to translated reports and tweets from Matsuura, avex is actively seeking to block JYJ from giving a charity concert where all […]
Category: News
Is Avex’s Matsuura Lying and Misleading the Public about JYJ?
Has avex (Japan) CEO Matsuura lost his mind? Honestly, the question may be going through the minds of some ‘JYJ vs SM’-observers given a recent spate of translated tweets from the avex CEO.
According to translated reports and tweets from Matsuura, avex is actively seeking to block JYJ from giving a charity concert where all proceeds will go to the devastated victims of the Japanese earthquake/tsunami.
Who the hell purposely tries to stop a charity concert to benefit their own people? The answer to that question appears to be: a bunch of scared, spiteful, hateful execs who don’t want any competition for their own concert featuring artists owned by the company from which JYJ escaped and is currently suing.
Reportedly, there is an upcoming charity concert at which the SM-protected TVXQ2 (Jung and Shim) and others will perform in June. JYJ putting on a massive concert and receiving positive press in Japan is a threat to avex, especially if JYJ happens to raise more money, or receive more press coverage for their concert. So avex cannot allow JYJ to perform in Japan… at least not before June.
Rather than behaving like real men, putting aside their disputes and doing something positive — like what JYJ is doing — avex is apparently doing everything in their power to block/stop/sabotage any chance JYJ has to actually perform in Japan and raise money for the victims.
Truth in Drink: JYJ Jaejoong talks about TVXQ, rooming with Hyunjoong, and a call from the late Park Yongha
For TVXQ, Korea’s top idol group, July of 2009 was an unforgettable moment of fate. The 3 members Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun, and Hero Jaejoong had suddenly filed for injunctive relief to suspend the contract against their agency SM Entertainment, arguing that the “13 years of exclusive contract is over the line.” The fans, who had been very absorbed into the “boys (who come) before flowers” (T/N: alternatively, “pretty men”), were extremely agitated.
They had thought that [TVXQ] had been trotting along without a problem but in truth it was as if they were festering inside. These 3 in the end chose the road of separation ·independence in the name of JYJ. However, the environment that surrounded them was not very amicable. Sometimes they had to taste disappointment under a cold gaze.
About 2 years after the breakup, I invited JYJ’s Kim Jaejoong (Hero Jaejoong) to “Truth in Drink” as a representative of the rest of the members of JYJ. He had stepped out for a world tour with Thailand at the beginning of this year as its start. He shined in his roles, taking on 2 roles despite having only one body by doing executive directing of the stage. In his face was a relief of having finished grand stage without a problem. His expression was also cheerful. Further, most of all, his skin was so very (beautifully) pale and smooth.
2 Hilarious photos; JYJ can still laugh and smile like this
Yoochun…. seriously silly. But Jaejoong…. I’ll take the smiling Jaejoong over the sad Jaejoong any time. Haha!
JYJ member Jaejoong opens up about work and folk who distanced themselves after the SM battle
JYJ member Kim Jaejoong. When I met him, he was cheerful, his voice full of energy. He revealed that he “drank a few glasses of alcohol” during the interview just before this, and he plans to go for a “second round” during this interview.
His previous interview ended in a café on Seoul Shinmun Road. We then moved on to a pub located in where he used to live in, Samseong-dong. In the car on the way to the location, in an effort to ease the tension, he started off with the recent concerns he has, which are the misunderstandings and truths behind the Japan earthquake and radiation, even backed up with his knowledge on the matter. “Do you read a lot of news articles and books?” When asked, his reply was, “I learn more from people than from books”.