Court: CreBeau not responsible for SM / JYJ dispute

SM lost its main public excuse for the dispute between itself and JYJ (Jaejoong, Yoochun, Yunsu).  For over a year, SM has publicly blamed the cosmetics company CreBeau for stirring up the controversy, and accused CreBeau of being responsible for the discord between itself and members of JYJ.

CreBeau didn’t sit idly by and let that happen.  A bad reputation can put a company out of business, especially if they get blamed for the breakup of the biggest Asian group in the world. 

The cosmetics company accused SM of using it (CreBeau) to cover up the “internal problems” SM obviously has with JYJ, and CreBeau filed a defamation lawsuit against SM.

According to translated reports, the Court basically exonerated CreBeau of having any responsibility for ruining the relationship between SM and JYJ.

SM Loses in Court Again, Injunction Requests Against JYJ Thrown Out

JYJ has won another victory in the courts in their epic fight against SM Entertainment, its former Korean management company. According to translated reports, Seoul District Court has thrown out two injunctions filed by SM against JYJ.

The Court has also further confirmed the unfairness of the exclusive contract, and upheld an earlier ruling making sure SM has no right to interfere with JYJ’s independent activities.

Initially, the Court ruled that SM could not interfere with whatever activities Junsu, Yoochun or Jaejoong decided to participate in while this lawsuit is ongoing. As a result, SM filed an injunction on Oct 27 2009 claiming that it was illegal for the Courts to keep them (SM) from interfering with JYJ activities.


SM Loses in Court Again, Injunction Requests Against JYJ Thrown Out

JYJ has won another victory in the courts in their epic fight against SM Entertainment, its former Korean management company.  According to translated reports, Seoul District Court has thrown out two injunctions filed by SM against JYJ.

The Court has also further confirmed the unfairness of the exclusive contract, and upheld an earlier ruling making sure SM has no right to interfere with JYJ’s independent activities.  

Initially, the Court ruled that SM could not interfere with whatever activities Junsu, Yoochun or Jaejoong decided to participate in while this lawsuit is ongoing.  As a result, SM filed an injunction on Oct 27 2009 claiming that it was illegal for the Courts to keep them (SM) from interfering with JYJ activities.


Manly Yoohwan, Girly Yoocheon? Haha! Little Bro is teasing his hyung

Park Yoohwan exposed his older brother Park Yoochun’s secret.

“His only flaw is that he is excessively tidy.” He said, when asked about (Yoochun’s) bad points. After thinking for a while, he said “Hmm, there really seems to be nothing,” then he laughed and continued, “Maybe he’s just perfect?”

Finally, he thought of something; he briefly explained, “At home, my brother will notice when a hair is dropped. Sometimes, when I use a cup and I leave it on the table he will tell me to clean it up quickly.” He said this, but it isn’t at the level of obsession. “His(Yoochun’s) like for cleanliness is just a little tiring,” he said.

T-Ara moved to tears by Tears of Heaven musical with Junsu as lead JYJ

The ladies of T-ara were revealed to have been moved to tears while watching the “Tears of Heaven” musical.

According to Seol Company, on February 14th, T-ara attended the productions held on the 12th and 13th in support of labelmate Davichi’s Lee Haeri’s debut as a musical actress.

The members commented, “More so than anywhere else, Haeri unni was as beautiful as ever and shined so bright. Not only unni, but Kim Junsu, Brad Little, and the ensemble actors were all so very amazing. The performances were great, and the production itself was so moving, the members all cried.”

Interview: JYJ on MBN Translation + Video

[TRANS] 110211 JYJ on MBN


J for JaeJoong, S for Junsu, C for YooCheon

J: is it alright if I blow out the candles?
S: All of those albums are created out of the songs that we composed ourselves. Adding on that brings out more meanings and that’s why…
MC: but the self-composed song was so much so of a hot issue (referring to Chun’s song)
C: I was shocked about it. Many people have commented a lot about it. But it’s just a song that’s made up of the story that we frankly wanted to talk about.