JYJ: Junsu-yah! 24 hours with the adorable Susu

Out of the three members in JYJ, Junsu is known as the ‘quiet one’ in the group. In interviews or press conferences, Junsu always maintained an image of mystery, as he usually gave short and sparse answers.

Recently, reporters of Sports Chosun received the opportunity to spend 24 hours in what they called his ‘rare presence’. The star has been juggling a bevy of individual activities (such as rehearsing for his musical, “Tears of Heaven“), in addition to his efforts for JYJ.

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SM Top Execs Get Bonuses 11162010

[Asiae Kyeongjae Reporter Lee Chang Hwan] On the strength of the popularity of its signed artists, such as Super Junior and Girls Generation, SM Entertainment recorded its highest ever gain in the first half of this year, but only executives of the company received the fruits through a showering of bonuses. Their fellow executives received 3 times their usual paycheck in bonuses but regular employees, on the other hand, actually saw their salaries shrink. This is causing no small amount of shock, as it seems that the very managers under suspicion for signing Dong Bang Shin Ki, Girls Generation and others on to “slave contracts” are the ones being rewarded.

JYJ: Jaejoong’s Parents Talk about their kid :-)

Translation: excerpt from JJB, JaeJung’s Birthday Book

Q; There was a long vacation after the concert, did you all get together and spend time together?

Jeje’s father: Yes, we were all together. 

Q : Jaejung travels overseas often, this must be the first time to meet with his family after the concert. What was it like to see him in such a long time? 

Fater: After they left [SME] and did a concert, it looked like they were laid the foundation to a certain degree. My family and I were all happy. And then he came to visit us and spent time with his sisters, so it looked like he was leading a very comfortable and stable life. 

Q : Oh, so more stable than before~ I’m sure it looked like he was more comfortable because he has more free time now. 

Father: He could come home and rest comfortbly with his sisters, and there was much less pressure (means less uncomfortable) in terms of family atmostphere now, and he’s not as busy as before, so he had a good rest. 

A Song Without a Name PART 1 by Yoochun

A Song Without a Name PART 1

Have I ever told you this.

After a probation period of a few months in 2003, we, the team members, finished our first task with ease
In 2004, we were the employee of the month, with countless top results, but we couldn’t feel content with just that
We were unable to contain ourselves and we started wanting more.

2005, we embarked into the overseas market, we thought everything would go smoothly like it had in Korea.
On our first attempt, we had the worst results possible and that was when my confidence started to drop.

A language we couldn’t even speak
Every day we’d be at our lodgings or the office
An imprisonment that they claimed wasn’t an imprisonment, saying it was for our own good

An excessive amount of solitude, tears and rage
These were what made us one
Saying that we couldn’t part ways no matter what happened
Saying that we should always be together
Saying that we should resemble each other’s good points
We said these things in our hearts and kept running

One day, we finally reached that top position we had so earnestly wanted
We each took our phones and contacted our families and friends.

That day had finally arrived.
From then on, everything started to go so well.

KARA Sues DSP: 4 Members want out of DSP Media Ent rule

Reports of KARA splitting from their agency, DSP Media Entertainment, has sent shockwaves throughout the music industry. The members of KARA, excluding leader Gyuri, reasoned that they had lost their confidence in their relationship with DSP Media Entertainment, and that it could never be regained again. Landmark, KARA’s lawyers, reported on January 19th: “Despite KARA […]