Fan Report: JYJ Showcase in Seoul Fan Account 1 Oct-12-2010

Hello everyone, please excuse the lack of coherence in this account. I’m still greatly deprived of oxygen and my waist is close to snapping. Please understand T.T

During the showcase, they placed a video showing footage from when they were recording their new album in the US. Then there were a few words from the producers who were involved.

After the interview, the three introduced themselves. It seemed as though there were a lot of Yoochun fans where I was standing… probably because of SungKyunKwan Scandal. When he came out, the screaming was especially loud. Of course, it was equally deafening for the 2 other members!

[TRANS] 101008 Fan Account – Kim Junsu Musical Concert

[TRANS] 101008 Fan Account – Kim Junsu Musical Concert


The concert last night was scheduled to begin at 8pm, but I arrived at 5. Since I got there so early, I didn’t see a lot of Korean fans. I did see a lot of Japanese fans though, they were standing nearby, buying fan merchandise and taking photos with the posters of Junsu. Everyone seemed to be really excited. More people began to show up and I stopped to chat with some of the other fans. Those who’d seen the concert the previous day raved about how wonderful it was, saying that they had to see it a second time and that they wanted to buy tickets for a few more performances. keke~

Doors opened at around 7 and the line was mostly made up of Japanese fans who had even brought their Bigeast towels along to show their support. We waited for an hour after being seated, and suddenly I heard people speaking Chinese beside me. Upon inquiry, I found out that they’d come all the way from Hong Kong. It was nice to know that there was a good number of Chinese fans around ^^

[NEWS] JYJ Sells Out Their Seoul Showcase In 15 Minutes

[NEWS] JYJ Sells Out Their Seoul Showcase In 15 Minutes
JYJ is off to an amazing start! Their first showcase as a trio in Seoul sold out in just 15 minutes.
According to Interpark (an online booking website), both the 6 pm and 9pm showcases for October 12th were sold out just 15 minutes after they were available for purchase.

Employees said that “Fans inquiries were overcrowded before the tickets were available, and as soon as tickets were available, there was an unprecedented struggle for tickets.”

Massive Appeal for JYJ song on SKKS OST (Yoochun Drama)

SungKyunKwan Scandal Soundtrack (OST) has sold over 100,000 copies based largely on the inclusion of music from JYJ (Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu).  The song, Chajatta (Chajada) hasn’t received any official promotion in Korea because of the current conflict the members are having with their former Korean management company. 

Still, the song has generated a groundswell of support from fans.  So much support that the song was nominated for the top spot on the Oct 1st broadcast of ‘Music Bank’.

PRAIN CEO Tweets about JYJ

[TRANS] 101001 Prain’s CEO Tweets About And Defends JYJ

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I heard at the GwangHwaMun conference today that YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu always thank and warmly hug our company representative every time they meet. We’ve never had clients like them before.

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Fools with a thirst for money? They are the complete opposite: genuine guys who are too uninterested in money. People don’t even know them well and say things about them. (We will correct these misconceptions) On top of that, SSK OST CDs are flying off the shelves as if they have wings…