The attorney for the three members has slammed AVEX for trying to hold the past of their management company’s leader against them. AVEX was trying to take full control over their schedules and apparently wanted to change how much money AVEX would get. This whole dust up seemed to occur because they didn’t get what the wanted. Here’s the report from their legal spokesperson:
[TRANS] 100917 Interview With Trio’s Legal Spokesman Lawyer Lim Sang Hyuk
In an interview on the 17th, the trio’s legal spokesman and lawyer Lim Sang Hyuk revealed that, “Avex requested changes in the contract that the members found difficult to agree to in clauses regarding topics such as income distribution.”
Lawyer Lim Sang Hyuk also added, “At first, it was agreed that all activities performed by the three members would be scheduled and discussed by both sides, but Avex began asking for this to be changed so that Avex would have sole control of scheduling; Avex also requested additional changes that the trio felt were logically unacceptable”
Regarding Avex pinpointing the history of the head of C-JeS as the main reason for halting activities, Lawyer Lim explained that, “Mr. Baek, the head of C-JeS, willingly volunteered for his company to be excluded from the contract if his criminal record would become a problem, but Avex ignored such a notice,” and “Later, they deemed that it would be difficult to progress normally with Mr. Baek’s background.”