Seki Megumi: Jaejoong is the moodmaker

Special quote from Seki Megumi:

May 7 2010

Q. What is your impression on JeJung?

A. He’s the moodmaker. Just one word by JeJung can make everyone laugh and feel energetic. Not only that, sometimes he also shows us his forceful and powerful eyes… there are times that he makes some observations, and during those times, he looks really manly. He’s someone who is loved by everyone, but at times when he shows us that expression, I realize that JeJung and Doctor do have something in common.


TVXQ vs SM May 7 Hearing

TVXQ 3 Members “The unfairness of the contract is grave” vs SM “The way we treat TVXQ is not bad compared to other agencies”

Three members of TVXQ (Xiah Junsu, YoungWoong Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun) and SM Entertainment had their first hearing today regarding an objection to the verdict on a contract suspension injunction that was made last year, and were unsuccessful in closing the gap between their conflicting stances.

The legal representatives of the three members of TVXQ and SM met at the Seoul District Courts at 5 p.m. on the 7th to state their stances on the lawsuit made by SM Entertainment regarding an objection to the contract suspension injunction verdict.

This hearing was held after SM filed for the lawsuit on April 12th as an objection to the partial acceptance verdict made by the Courts last year.

At the hearing, SM’s representative stated, “Compared to other agencies in Korea, TVXQ’s income division is not unfair,” and emphasized that TVXQ’s income division was not a pressing issue in the exclusive contract.

INTOXICATION by Junsu; Translate lyrics (What? Orgasm?! Waahhh Junsu!)

Intoxication  (Original Lyrics) (Trans) uhhh, oh, all right Baby, baby, come on come on, come on come on come on Shaking a little, flesh-on-flesh, oh baby My fingertips found, deep inside deep inside, deep inside crazy Touch you baby, over and over, squeeze you baby, let me feel your madness Stroke you like a arpeggio […]

Junsu Sings at the Wedding of Mozart Musical Actor

TVXQ’s Xiah Junsu (real name Kim Junsu) sang a special song for actress Lee Hyun Gyung and musical actor Min Young Gi’s wedding.

On May 3rd, near the end of the second part of the couple’s wedding, Xiah Junsu appeared with musical actress Jung Seona.

Xiah Junsu, who had waiting for his turn in the waiting room, gave a short congratulatory greeting and said, “Hello. It’s been a while. I will be singing a song for the couple as I was able to become close to the groom Min Young Gi during the musical ‘Mozart’. The two look so beautiful today.”

SM Ordered to Pay 9+ Millon Korean won; Blamed for Cancelation of SM Town Live Concert

It has been decided that if a concert is canceled due to the fault of the production company, that company must not only give full refunds for tickets but also pay an additional 10% for compensation.

The Korea Consumer Agency’s Consumer Strife Arbitration Committee recently held a conference and settled a verdict on the dispute regarding the canceled ‘SM TOWN Live ’09’ concert that was to be held by both SM Entertainment and Dream Maker Entercom.

According to the committee, the two companies put the concert on hold indefinitely on August 7th, ten days before it was to be held and refunded all tickets. The reason given for the postponement was the exclusive contract suspension injunction filed by three members of TVXQ against SM Entertainment.

However, 729 people who bought tickets stated, “Because the concert was suddenly canceled, we had to pay cancellation charges on all events we had planned for the concert as well as on all transportation for overseas and rural area fans,” and filed for a group strife request that demanded additional compensation.