Interview: Junsu for ELLE Magazine


Xiah Junsu– A Brand New Future

Tohoshinki, a mega-popular group, can be viewed as a type of social phenomenon
And a member of the group with a God-given musical talent that seizes people’s attention, Xiah Junsu, will release his first solo single in May
This will be his first step in coming out as a solo artist in the name of “XIAH junsu”
Right now, he has many ideas that depict what will happen in the future

23 year old true side zero-contact!


Q. A game you often played as a child?
Soccer. In my elementary school journal, about 80% of the contents were about soccer

Q. Do you still like it now?
If I have the time then I will play soccer. The position I play is left-forward

New Junsu solo song “Intoxication” Soon to be Released; Pics of Video Rehearsals and Staff Blog

Junsu-yah! The highpitched powerful crooner “XIAH” Junsu will release a solo single next month! The debut song, composed by Junsu, is called “Intoxication” (Kanashimini no Yukue).

It will be featured in a BeeTV drama as well. Here’s the preview vid where you hear Junsu singing in the background:

Ratings Jump for Jaejoong Japanese Drama

Ratings shot up for Sunao Ni Narenakute, a Japanese drama in which Jaejoong (Jejung) is currently appearing in.

While Episode 1 of the drama debuted with a very good 11.9%, the rating for Episode 2 jumped to 13.2%.

In Sunao Ni Narenakute, Jaejoong plays a medical equipment salesman who finds himself with a circle of friends who originally met via Twitter.